Additional Quality Information

Colonial Metal Products, Inc., is proud of its reputation to provide quality products and services on time to our customers. The material we supply will meet the specifications of your written purchase order. If specific requirements are not provided on the purchase order and specifically agreed to by CMP, industry ASTM standards will apply.

If there is an issue with material supplied by CMP, our goal is to resolve a claim within 30 days from receipt of the claim, although CMP does not warrant or guarantee that such a time period is possible.

All claims must be made in writing, and no claim will be considered if it is submitted more than 90 days after the material ship date. Purchaser specifically agrees that it waives any and all claims for liability whatsoever that have not been made to CMP in writing within 90 days of shipment from CMP’s facility.

For best resolution of any claims, fill out the Customer Claim Notification (F-0314) on this website and send it promptly to the CMP Customer Service Representative. If there are any problems or questions with this process, contact your CMP Customer Service Representative.

If they have not been supplied with the claim, CMP may require a Purchaser to provide tag identification number(s) with individual mult identification number along with pictures and/or samples. These other items must be provided if requested by CMP to assist in the determination of the root cause of the problem. If Purchaser fails or refuses to provide pictures and/or samples upon request of CMP, Purchaser hereby waives any and all claims of liability against CMP.

Rejected material must be quarantined until written notification is provided by CMP as to the disposition of the material. CMP reserves the right to scrap, rework or resale the rejected material.

A claim that an order has been rejected does not affect the applicability of the terms and conditions outlined above, or the terms of the Quality Policy contained herein. Purchaser must not issue debits or take deductions until claims have been investigated and a final resolution has been determined. If CMP determines that a claim is valid, a credit will be issued by CMP to the Purchaser for any accepted claims. Unilaterally applying a credit without the express written consent of CMP, will result in Purchaser’s default as per the terms and conditions.

Purchaser further agrees to adhere to the Material Handling and Storage Guidelines provided below. In the event Purchaser fails to adhere to these guidelines, Purchaser agrees that any and all warranties, claims, or other bases of liability shall be deemed null and void, and any remedies allowed by the terms and conditions, applicable law, or otherwise, are waived.